Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ section is designed to provide quick and clear answers to the most common questions our customers have. Whether you need help with our services, products, policies, or support options, you’ll find helpful information here.

If you’re still not finding the answers you need, please give us a call on 03 9069 5840

What are your opening hours?

We’re open from:

MON   8:00am to 5:00pm
TUE     8:00am to 5:00pm
WED   9:00am to 1:00pm
THU    8:00am to 5:00pm
FRI      8:00am to 5:00pm
SAT     9:00am to 1:00pm
SUN    Closed

Click here to book online or call us on 03 9069 5840.

Where are you located?

Collingwood Medical is located on the 5th and 6th floor of 51 Langridge Street, Collingwood VIC 3066. Enter via the main door on the corner of Langridge and Wellington Streets and then proceed to our reception via the lifts.

What if I have a medical emergency?

For all emergencies phone 000 immediately to arrange an ambulance, or attend your nearest hospital emergency department.

If you require an urgent appointment with us, please call the practice on 03 9069 5840. We will do our best to accommodate you.

What if I need to see a doctor after-hours?

If you require medical care from a doctor after-hours, please call the after-hours service 13SICK.

How do I book an appointment?

Call our reception team on 03 9069 5840 to make an appointment or book an appointment online.

Do you offer early morning or evening appointments?

We offer appointments from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 6:30pm on Wednesday, and 9:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday. As our new practice grows, we will look at extended opening hours. Please feel free to let us know if extended opening hours are important to you – we are always looking to improve and be responsive to your needs.

Do you accept walk-in patients?

Collingwood Medical has some capacity to offer appointments to walk-in patients, especially if the problem is of an urgent nature. If you arrive without an appointment you’ll be advised when the next free appointment is and how long you’ll have to wait.

Do you offer home visits?

Yes, under certain circumstances and by special arrangement for existing patients only. Please speak to our reception staff for further details including fees.

Can I see the doctor of my choice?

Yes, both male and female doctors are available so if you have a preference please let us know and we’ll do our best to book you an appointment with the doctor of your choice.

Will you send me an appointment reminder?

Yes, sms reminders for appointments are sent 24 hours prior to your appointment through HotDoc. Please ensure you are opted-in for sms reminders with HotDoc. If you require assistance, please speak with our friendly reception staff.

We also aim to send you notification (via sms, phone, post or email) if you require any recall or follow-up appointments.

How do I get my results?

We recognise the importance of following up test results in a timely way. We also recognise your absolute right to privacy, confidentiality and safety. For this reason, only your doctor has access to your medical file and results – administration staff do not have access to see your private notes and results. Therefore it is not possible to get your results over the phone from reception staff.

Once your doctor has reviewed your results, you will be advised by sms the next course of action providing you had not opted-out of sms reminders and recalls/results. If you have opted-out, you will not receive an sms from us.

The results sms notification comes from HotDoc, which contains a link to a secure site. It will firstly ask you to confirm your identity with your surname and date of birth. The message will advise that either your results are either normal or request that you make an non-urgent appointment to see your doctor. In the event that your results are urgent, a doctor will call you.

If you would like to check if you are opted-in/out of reminders or results/recalls, check with our reception staff or your doctor at your next appointment.

How do I cancel my appointment?

If you’re unable to make your appointment or would like to reschedule, we ask for a minimum of 2 hours’ notice. Please call us with as much notice as possible on 03 9069 5840.

Is there a fee if I don't show up to my appointment?

Yes. Failing to show up to your appointment will attract a fee of $50, payable at the time of cancellation, and failing that at your next visit. We’ll send you an tax invoice for the missed appointment.

Is there a fee if I cancel at short notice?

We recognise that people’s time is important and that sometimes, unforeseen things happen that change your availability. It is also important that our doctors are available to see other people who may need medical care. There is no fee if your appointment is cancelled with at least 2 hours’ notice.

No show policy

Repeated non attendance to booked appointments will result in refusal to accommodate future appointments.

What should I do if I'm running late?

Please call us on 03 9069 5840 to let us know. If you arrive late we cannot always guarantee we’ll be able to see you (as this causes delays other patients). If we can’t see you, we’ll either offer a later appointment or help you to rebook.

Is your practice child-friendly?

Absolutely! Our doctors friendly, approachable and confident with assessing and managing paediatric health needs. We also work hard to make our environment warm and enjoyable for children.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept and prefer payment by eftpos, debit card, Visa, MasterCard and American Express credit cards.

We also offer an online payment portal for telehealth services through HotDoc, our reception team are able to send you a secure link from HotDoc to make any payments online. Cheques or cash cannot be accepted. Payment by bank transfer can be made available by prior arrangement. Please discuss any concerns or difficulties with us directly.

How secure is my medical record?

Your medical record is treated as a confidential document. It’s the policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure your information is only available to authorised members of staff. We have a privacy policy which you can see here.

What contact details do you need from me?

Every time you visit we’ll ask if your contact information is up to date (along with your Medicare details). This ensures our records are accurate and we can contact you if there are any problems with your appointment or if the doctor needs to make contact with after your appointment.

Our goal is to provide a professional and quality service to our patients in a caring and appropriate manner. We are happy to hear from you should you have any concerns, complaints, suggestions or compliments.

Please call us on 03 9069 5840 or email with your feedback.

Visit Us

We look forward to seeing you and discussing your individual needs. Give us a call or book online.


Level 6
51 Langridge St
Collingwood VIC 3066
(Enter via Wellington St)

Phone us on 03 9069 5840
Fax us on 03 9069 5842